Sunday, May 23, 2010

The opposite experience

This past Thurday evening the three of us assigned to the copyright/ethics key element in the Media Planning and Production course met online to plan our presentation. We used Adobe Connect and it worked beautifully---the opposite of my earlier experience. We were able to see each other via webcams and used the chat feature, the shared whiteboard and shared application features for our brainstorming session. The audio was very clear, like a 3-way telephone call.

This technology allowed us to hold a very productive meeting and get to know each other a little bit more while never leaving our own homes. Without this technology, we would have had to set up a face-to-face meeting or a conference call or resort to an asynchronous method of communication such as e-mail or discussion board. What a great resource!


  1. Deb, thanks for the update on Adobe Connect. It is nice to know that the software made the work session productive. It's always frustrating when you spend more time trying to solve the problem that failing hardware/software is creating instead of actually meeting :)

  2. I am very jealous! Good for you for making such good progress and using new technology. I am going to suggest this to my managing group. Thanks for the post!

  3. Nice to see your positive comments. I like the part about getting to know each other better--without even leaving your homes. How cool!
